Friday, November 17, 2006

My name is Mary and I'm a blogaholic.

I read an article a couple of week's ago titled Are You an Internet Addict?

Of course, I'm not. Really, I am not an internet addict. Internet addicts are those gaming people, right? The World of Warcraft, Call of Duty guys. The guys (notice my gender discrimination here) who are up until 3 am playing when they have to be at work at 8 am the next day. (#8 on the list of common symptoms to watch out for: denial of the problem.)

But it did give me cause for introspection. I guess I can be the first person in the next round of the "Am I blogging too much?" virus that goes around the blog'verse periodically. There are a number of things on the list of common symptoms that my family at least might say were true. I would of course counter that the time I spend blogging is just time I would be spending doing something else non-productive, but you know, to-may-to/to-mah-to.

Then I found this, a photo file of my son--renamed, on my computer screen:

I'm sorry, if that's not blog fodder, I don't know what is. If you don't want me blogging so much, stop giving me material. You're enabling me!

Until tomorrow,


17 down, 13 to go


Anonymous said...

Haha. And now I'm just dying to see what the photo is....

Pieces said...

Now that is funny!

Anonymous said...

LOL! It is true, they supply too much material, then blame us!

Kristen said...

That is hilarious. And I think I'm seeing my future with my boys.

Anonymous said...

Me, too. Me, too. I wanna see the picture!