I was at a meeting on Sunday afternoon at church to discuss the formation of new small groups. The question was asked, "As you move through your life, what kind of transportation are you?"
For some reason, the image that came to mind for me is a shopping cart--with one wobbly wheel. Well, it caused people to laugh and I was trying to be funny, but there was more to it than that.
I really do feel like a shopping cart with one wobbly wheel.
That wobbly wheel just keeps pulling me off course and it takes a lot of effort and energy to move in the right direction.
That's all I have to say about that.
You are NOT a wobby shopping cart. You are wonderful and strong.
Wow, that 's a hard question. I have no idea what type of transportation I am.
The shopping cart is very clever and I suspect describes a lot of people, perhaps even myself. I say follow the wobbly wheel!
That is a very interesting question, one which I'm going to give some more thought to later, because I haven't eaten yet today, and I'm liable to simply respond "popcorn cart!" Oh, that's not actually a transportation vehicle. See?
Speaking literally, I usually just grab a cart and go, so I have gotten stuck with some doozies. What's much worse than the wobbly, distracted, pulling toward the cookies wheel, literally and metaphorically, is the wheel that is jammed and won't turn at all.
Hi Mary-lue,
That's an interesting analogy that I can relate too. Unfortunately in life unlike at the store you just can't leave the shopping cart in the isle and search for a better one.
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
And if you're like the good people who were my neighbors in New Orleans, you go EVERYWHERE and the sound of you rolling on pavement is is distinct.
I like that analogy. I say often that in yoga, the challenge is being pulled from your path. The wisdom is knowing when you're being pulled away so that you can get back on track.
I LOVE the analogy! But you know, sometimes those quirky shopping carts are really the best ones--they can take you all sorts of places.
Do you have some deep hidden fear of being abandoned in a shaddy corner of a parking lot, where a nice homeless man adopts you as his personal sherpa for the cans and bottles that he trades in at the recycle depot? But really, who doesn't have this fear, right?
For the record: tricked out X-wing fighter. All the Fly Boys loves me.
I am laughing and yet not laughing. I am thinking I would have chosen a similar mode of transportation (or perhaps a volkswagon mini bus with rust holes in the floor through which various belongings keep disappearing onto the highway).
I feel like that to sometimes!
I feel like I have learned so much about you in this post -- your humor, your way of thinking.
I love it.
I think it would be a perfect companion to me in my bag lady role.
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