Monday, October 30, 2006

SWB Monday with a Migraine! Oh Joy!

Yes, I started out this Monday morning doing so well. I was showered and dressed ready to go work in Marley's classroom when the parent I was subbing in for called to say that she could work after all. I can handle that. Later, after reading with her in class, one of the other moms and I decided to go for a good walk today. Yeah, I can handle that, too. Then, about halfway through the walk, I noticed my vision getting funny. I believe it is called an "aura." Nope, I can't handle that. Well, I sort of can, but I don't want to. I managed to hang on until we got back to my car. My handy-dandy Frovatryptan was in the car ready for me to take. (I don't go anywhere without my Frova, ladies and gentlemen.) Off to home, I traveled and off to bed. I am feeling much better now although my head is still hurting. So, here goes Sleeping with Bread for today.

In the last week, when did I feel most whole?

Although sometimes I still feel as though I have "miles to go before I sleep" in the health department due to my need to work on my diet and exercise program, I have actually been feeling more myself these last few weeks. In the last week, I think that was evidenced in my exploration of my daughter's personality type. This is the kind of thing that I just love to do and researching her Meyers-Briggs personality type, putting the pieces of her personality puzzle together and then coming up with life applications using that to help wrangle her is fun for me. (Excuse me, did I say wrangle? I meant parent. That's it. Parent her.) I am looking forward to seeing how this all works out. Then, in true Mary fashion, I'll need to find a new project.

In the last week, when did I feel the most fragmented?

That would be today. Migraines suck. It is always discouraging to get one, especially when there was so much I could have done with my day. I can't let that statement go it alone, though, because I am so fortunate in that my migraines are minor compared to what many migraine sufferers experience. Also, the last time I had any migraines was last spring. Those two headaches took a lot out of me. I know now they were particularly troublesome because of the sleep apnea. And now, I'm on the CPAP and feeling better today after just a few hours than I did for days afterwards the last time. So really, it is again, as it was last week, a desolation that comes right alongside a consolation.

Also Sleeping with Bread today:

atypical of nonsensical text: crispy crusts and melted butter

Sheila of musings of a mommy: Sleeping with Bread


Aliki2006 said...

Oh, sorry about the migraine. My little Tessa gets them too and is on daily meds for them.

I hope you catch up for the lost time!

Unknown said...

Aliki, I was 20, I think, when I got my first migraine. When I hear about kids getting them, it just kills me. Poor Tessa! :(

Anonymous said...

Please, Please, Please find a chiropractor for your migraines. It works! and you don't have to deal with the potential side effects of the drugs.