Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's a quarter to three...

New CPAP mask hurting nose




2:45 am? Might as well check Bloglines and do some blog surfing.


Chickenone said...

This has got to stop! When do you get the correct mask?

Unknown said...

I don't know when I'll get the correct mask. The respiratory therapist only works MWF so she should order it today. I'll call to make sure she does but I have no idea how long it will take.

It wasn't that bad last night. I woke up at 2:30 but had actually been sleeping most of the time as opposed to the first night. I was awake for less than an hour. I decided not to put the mask back on because I thought it hurting my face would just make me more irritable. Also, I think if I can keep wearing it a few hours per night, I'll eventually be able to wear it longer and longer. Esp. with a new mask.

So, I actually feel better this morning than I did yesterday morning.

Lindsey said...

Oh no! Have you gotten any rest yet today? So sorry!

atypical said...

Glad you did eventually get some sleep. I popped by as a common courtesy to let you know I added you as a link. Don't expect much traffic from my end of the world, though. :) I also read your 100 things list. We have quite a few things in common (#'s 4, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 19, 28, 33, and 94 to name a few).

I have a feeling I'll be popping by more often.

Unknown said...

atypical - I'm looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

Okay, it is 10 pm and I've had two developments in the CPAP fiasco.

1. The respiratory therapist is going to order the correct mask and have it sent directly to me. I will have to figure out how to put it together, but I'm sure between Paul and I, we can do it.

2. The current mask comes with a 45 degree extension elbow joint looking thing. When the RT was fitting the mask, she said it was optional and it seemed like it wasn't necessary. As I came home from a friend's house tonight, I realized that I was feeling some anxiety about another night of nose pain. I remembered the joint and came home and put it on. I think (fingers crossed) that it is going to help, at least until the proper mask comes.

I'll keep all y'all posted!

Anonymous said...

I can the pain, that is. And I am usually up at the same time, though my hands are quite full trying to get a little person to go back to sleep. I know - you need a strict sleeping eating schedule! That will solve the heartburn and make you so tired you sleep through the uncomfortable CPAP issues! Let me recommend a great book...

Unknown said...

for the chad:


Cristina said...

Sorry to hear this! Hope that new mask arrives soon.