At some point it seems, many bloggers will do a post about the search results which have led unknown people to their blog. I check my stats a couple of times a week and have had my fair share of URL referrals from Google searches. To be honest, though, with a blog name like Life, the Universe and Everything, I mostly get hits from people who've googled just that,
life, the universe and everything. I also get the occasional hit from a sleep apnea search or personality reference. Last night though, I finally scored a search that tickled me. It is still pretty ordinary but if you google "everything about the universe" I am the number two Google hit!

Apparently I am just not here to talk about life, the universe and everything, I am able to answer everything about the universe, second only to the yokels at Pretty impressive, eh?
Blog Status Update: I have decided to turn off word verification. 1) It will make life easier for you who honor me with your comments; and 2) maybe it will keep anyone who comments here from experiencing a
vanishing like the one I wrote about recently. Hopefully, the Blogger filters will work the way they are supposed to and I won't get spammed to death.
wow, everything about the universe huh : )
how cool is that!!
When I started blogging, I kept getting hits from people looking for a porn performer with my pseudonym. It took a couple of months before anyone else came looking.
Yay, no word verification! I've never had any terribly unseemly google searches to my site - lots of people looking for cupcakes, though.
Congrats on your promotion to being the answer to the universe! Sounds like a tremendous burden to me, but then again, with your vast knowledge about the universe, you should be able to handle it. What a funny post! :-)
So, um... you're the number 42?
Well, I did just turn 42 this past November and the title of the first post I ever did for this blog was 42. So who knows?
Well, I know where to come when I wanna know WHY!
Quite impressive! I have only ever had one really odd search (which for the life of me, I cannot remember now).
You are really going to have to up your game to top this accomplishment! ;)
At least now I know where to come for answers--or I know where Google will send me ;)
Sounds like you have a hefty responsibility!
LOL how cool (and funny) is that!
So...just come to you, anytime I need to know. Good.
I love the search results sometimes. They can be a real riot.
Thanks for turning off word verification!!!!!
I'm always curious when people find me through 'strange' search results.
Word verification can drive me bonkers....and yet I still have mine on. Perhaps I will reconsider as well.
LOL Congrats!
I looked at that other site. Yeah ... I think I'll come closer to finding out what I want to know about Life, the Universe and Everything reading your blog!
have fun,
Now you're making me tempted to turn of my word verification (I'm one of those people who just can't seem to type it in right the fist time-I always feel like I should make it easier on others).
Well, you *do* have the answers, don't you?!
Congrats on your google search!! You are one popular woman!
Cool! I confess that I also google myself (hee hee) just to see if I'm out there. Excellent search!
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