Thursday, May 04, 2006

Booking Through Thursday, Round Robin Style, Part II

Booking through Thursday

Okay... Laura said that we would keep this running for a couple of weeks since she is dealing with some issues. There have been about 10 hits so far and I'm in the mood to play again. New week, new turn I figure.

The last to play was naridu. She went from Redwall by Jacques to Josephine the Singer by Kafka. Her post about it is excellent and "check" there goes another book for my exponentially increasing book list.

So, Josephine the Singer is by Kafka. Kafka reminds me of my Development of the Novel in the 20th Century class and my Modern Novel class. I had them both the same semester. In addition to reading Kafka, we also read Thomas Mann. So, my pick for this round is Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann. From the description:

First published in 1929, Mann's novel tells the story of Hans Castorp, a modern everyman who spends seven years in an Alpine sanatorium for tuberculosis patients, finally leaving to become a soldier in World War I. Isolated from the concerns of the everyday world, he is exposed to the wide range of ideas that shaped a world on the verge of explosion.
I only got about 3/4 of the way through the book but I did really enjoy what I read. I have, many, many years later, vivid images of Hans and the others at the sanitorium. I don't want tuburculosis but I'd love a few weeks up in the Alps!


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Glyn Norman said...
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