Thursday, September 25, 2008

And now for something completely different...

Well, Life, the Universe and Everything has been somewhat dreary lately so I thought I'd try to lighten the mood.

Given my lack of comedic writing ability, I thought I'd share a little funny from other places in the blog'verse.

Here in Idaho, a new read for me, posted preemptive negative comments this week. . .

Omaha Mama sent me flashing back to when my children were two. . .

and Lauren Tate meets up the the Doctor (you may have to be a BBC America freak like me to enjoy this). . .

Happy Thursday to you all!


Anonymous said...

Is there anything more exciting and deeply satisfying than finding a blog that you "click" with? I think not.

And here sit I: excited and deeply satisfied at finding your treasure of a blog.

So hi, I'm hibby. I'll definitely be back! :)

Anonymous said...

My liege. My liege. My liege. My liege.

That was awesome.

In fact I just had my husband view your Tate-Craig clip -- and now I'll have to get him to watch this one too.

Anonymous said...

Ree-ins for loserrrrs.

Aliki2006 said...

Thank you, thank you for that clip! I love her...