Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sleeping with Bread Bulletin

I used to make a regular point of writing Sleeping with Bread posts here.  I also had a SWB blog for others to link their SWB posts.  I took a long hiatus when I started school, and even though I'm back in school for the new semester, I think I would like to get back into the habit of examining what in my life I am grateful for... and not grateful for.


I created a new URL for the Sleeping with Bread site and added Mr. Linky to the posts so anyone who wants to join can do so.  I'll start back up this Monday, September 8th.  

I hope you will join me!


Anonymous said...

Mary, this is great. I was planning to start doing the Daily Examen and writing it down, but have been having a tough time (well, this time of year is a bit hectic, isn't it?) figuring out when I would start and how I would keep myself motivated. Thank you.

Mel said...


Thank you, Mary.
It's been a while, yaknow?

I do think I'm up for the task!

Now remember....I suck at keeping the timelines....LOL

Aliki2006 said...

I will most certainly join you!