Yesterday in a comment from my Sunday post,
It is Finished, Maddy (McEwen of
Whitterer on Autism) asked me and I quote:
Well something is seriously wrong with the timing here, because that post was on Sunday, and you'd it is Thursday......what on earth [and I use the term advisedly as I see your space scene in the background] have you been doing!
I guess I haven't been posting fast enough for her!
Well, let me try this in a format I haven't used in quite a while. Since finishing HP7, here is my...
Life- Soccer Camp for Marley
- Washing Marley's soccer clothes every night
- Dealing with very tired Marley's mood swings
- Reading another Neil Gaiman book: Anansi Boys
- Watching Dead Like Me, Season One, Disc Two
- A Trip to Sam's Club during which I purchased approximately a gazillion gallons of beverages
- A Play date with Sheila and her kids at their house
- Complete malfunctioning of schedule on Wednesday combined with a very hot day and extreme tiredness due to OSA (obstructive sleep apnea)
- Desperation at unsuccessful OSA treatment (CPAP therapy) leading to desperate measures.
- Success! OSA desperate measures (which might be a wee exaggeration) leads to two full nights of treatment!
- Watching Damages on FX. Wow! Glenn Close amazes me and looks fabulous. IMDB'd the actress who play Ellen, Rose Byrne, as she looks very familiar. Oh yes! She was great in I Capture the Castle.
- My son informing me that hates me and is never going to respect me. Never. Ever. He means it. (He's fifteen. Need I say more?)
the UniverseThe world wide web is a fascinating place. It is a virtual metropolis with a business district (such as finance and computer sites), a shopping mall ( anyone?), suburban neighborhoods (Mommyblogger Heights, Political Pundit Point, etc.) and
that part of town, the seedy area that you try to ignore: Spam Alley.
Every couple of days I have to make a trip to that seedy part of my internet town. Important things find their way there such as legitimate emails with attachments and my Netflix notifications. You can always find what you expect to find: promises of sex and money. In the last few days and weeks, I've noticed a steady stream of Spam directed to appeal to to a different need: friendship.
Fake emails from Blue Mountain, Hallmark and other e-card companies arrive, probably 5 - 10 a day. You've received an e-greeting from a "Friend," a "Neighbor," a "Family Member." My favorite? You've received an e-greeting from a "Worshipper." I have to admit to being curious about that one. Is it a fellow believer in Christ or my own personal worshipper, my status as Mary, Queen of the Universe made official when I wasn't looking?
Ultimately, any one of these Spam emails is designed to play on a person's desire to fill a hole in their soul, a hole which will be filled "if only." If only I can have incredible sex, if only I can get rich quick, if only I had someone who cared about me enough to send me an e-card. These if onlys are sad to me--not because I'm above them, but because I understand them.
(For an enlightening lesson on scammers who use the internet, check out this post by Snoskred. I read it right after hearing about two or three people who've fallen prey to this kind of scheme.)EverythingI promised over a year ago to post a picture of me wearing my CPAP mask. After all, I showed pictures of me
all wired up for my sleep study, why not show me in the mask. Well, I just never got around to it and it is one thing to show yourself wired up from head to toe, it is another (at least in my mind) to show a picture of yourself with something up your nose! Since I am so excited about my CPAP miracle from the last two days, I'm going to throw vanity and caution to the wind and show you a picture of me in my nighttime face garb AND explain the miracle desperate measure.
Are you ready?
(Why do I feel the same as I might if I were about to bungee jump off a bridge?)
Okay, one, two three... JUMP!

And the miracle measure? This is it:

Two little pieces of medical tape strategically placed on the side straps. Two. little. pieces. Somehow, these little wonders keep me from taking off the mask and turning off the alarm in my sleep. Go figure. Either way, I'm thrilled and hope that my good sleep continues.
If you've got oodles of spare time on your hands are are interested in reading Mary-LUE's Saga of Sleep Apnea, click here, here and here.So, what about you guys? What have you been up to?