First, thanks to everyone who left such supportive comments to my last post. The Community of Survivors of Dysfunctional Families served me well this week. It is nice to know you are out there, although a little sad that there are so many of us. Lest anyone think that a little family histrionics would keep me from posting and commenting, I thought I'd explain a little about what is going on at Chez Mary-LUE.
This week has been our church's annual vacation Bible school. Now, for those of you who may have attended VBS when you were a child, you may not be aware of how things work now. VBS is a Major Production. There are sets, casts, costumes, props. You name it. Crafts, snacks and memory verses are still a vital part of the modern VBS experience, but there is just so much more. Whether that "more" is for better or for worse is best left to individual preference.
Our church's program is also different in two other ways: 1) We have it at night. With so many families having two parents who work out of the home, our attendance and volunteer base is actually better this way. 2) Our VBS extravaganza is "family" oriented. Isn't every vacation Bible school family-oriented? Yes, but usually they are more child-centric. Adults plan and lead the program, but the kids get checked in around 9 a.m. and checked out, crumby-faced, craft in hand, around noon. For our program, the parents are invited and their presence preferred. Instead of being in groups sorted by age and led by a volunteer, you make the rounds to the craft, snack, games areas with your family. Kids whose parents cannot join them are adopted by other families.
I am of two different minds about this specific facet of our program.
I love it.
It is a great idea. The worship team consists of parents and children. You know exactly what your kids are learning and are given tools for discussion and application. Marley loves that we are there.
I hate it.
FAM JAM (Families and Me, Jesus and Me) always coincides with swim lessons. For four days, we take Marley to swim lessons around 4:30 pm.
Afterwards, we get her cleaned up and dressed, take her to dinner with our other swim lesson/FAM JAM-attending friends, then head over to church at 6:15. There, we, the g'rups, are expected to join the kiddie mosh pit for worship, eat snacks and play games which involve water balloons, bare feet and scavenger hunts. (I am Rebellious, Loner Mom. I follow around dutifully, help Marley with crafts, etc., but avoid at all costs the games and usually avoid the mosh-ip pit.) Usually, Paul is helping out with sound and in the days previous, I am providing some sort of prep cutting out labor or providing a pre-FAM JAM meal for the volunteers one night. (This year, I did none of those things. Bad Mary! Actually, I was just not up for it. I'm usually quite happy to contribute.) By Friday night, we are all pooped and I am filled with fond remembrances of VBS drop offs and pick ups of yesteryear.
So, we've been busy in the afternoon/evenings and recovering during the days. Also, we have a friend's son come out to stay for two days and one night so he could join us for Treasure Quest, FAM JAM 2007! Unfortunately, this all coincided with some back pain. A few years ago, Paul and I paid for the hardwood floors in our living/dining room to be refinished in the rental we live in. The man who we hired was the Methuselah of floor refinishers. He had a young man who helped him, but every time he bent over he made this unearthly groaning noise and I was greatly afeared he would not be able to get up.
I feel like that man this week.

That is the main reason I've been more absent from the blog'verse. I've been reading and commenting here and there, but there is more I would have said and written if not for what I just described above. Also, my kids are around all the time and I like to blog alone. (Is that a bad sign? Isn't that the first question on any "Are you a ______aholic?" questionnaire?)
And, AND!. . . I've got the bulk of two books to read by Monday and Tuesday for the two book clubs I am in. Woman, thou art delusional!
Well, that is what is going on at Chez Mary-LUE. How about you guys? What's new with you?
Oh! Oh! Oh! I almost forgot. There's a new Scenic View in my sidebar. One of my most favoritest authors in the 'verse is Cyn Kitchen. She describes motherhood in a way that makes you laugh, cry and shake your head in recognition. Amazing stuff. Lately, she's been sharing with us her publishing successes. So, if you want to check out her recent contribution to, here it is: You Made It, Whatever It Is. I dare you not to like it. Double dog dare.
Good night. . .