Monday night I got a migraine and yesterday I was nursing a migraine hangover most of the day.
I was stressing a little about dealing with my first day of the semester when I heard my son walk in (two hours before school was due to let out). He had called Paul while Paul was out running errands.
He was shivering and pale, complaining about a stomachache. I sent him to bed.
Great. Migraine hangover, sick kid and Paul was packing for an early evening flight.
I made it to school and survived just fine. Paul's parents came over to stay with the kids.
After classes, I took Colin's temp and then decided to take Marley's, just in case. It was 99.9. I talked myself into believing it was a fluke.
And now, it is 3something in the morning, Colin just finished throwing up, he's shivering again and I take Marley's temperature again. 102.something.
Welcome to the Spring Semester.

Many of you rightly guessed that I am the Mrs. Bennet of parental driving instruction. Some of you were kind and guessed more charitable answers. Alpha DogMa was creative and thought outside of the box--Miss Daisy was not a choice. Gratefully, no one suggested Nurse Ratched.
I don't know exactly what I thought I would be like, but I wasn't expecting to have fits of hysterical giggling as every muscle in the right side of my body clenched itself into multiple balls of clenchisity.
Seriously. I am ridiculous. Well, I'm less ridiculous about it now that I've had a little experience.
Fortunately, my son has taken this with an inexplicable and uncustomary amount of good humor and grace. He must really, really, really want to drive.
A note about the quiz. I got the idea for the quiz post and told Colin about it. He looked at me and then proceeded to inform me that it was the most literature-nerdy stupidness he had ever heard of.
To me, that sounds like a compliment!